IBU Sport Event 2024

IBU Sports Day at Sri KDU International School: A Fun-Filled Day with Lepak N Learn

On 11th August, Lepak N Learn had the privilege of being one of the vendors at the IBU Sports Day, held at Sri KDU International School. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as families gathered to enjoy a day full of sports and activities. We arrived early to set up our parkour course, designed especially for the kids, and it didn’t take long for them to start showing up, eager to try their hand at the challenges.


The event was a perfect blend of fun and learning. Some of the children had already experienced parkour and confidently followed our coaches’ instructions. It was impressive to see their agility and ability to move through the course. On the other hand, many were completely new to the world of parkour. But no matter their skill level, each child was filled with enthusiasm, ready to jump, run, and navigate the obstacles.


What added to the excitement was the sticker collection challenge. Each child had a card checklist and needed to visit all the vendors to collect stickers. We saw lots of little faces light up when they successfully completed our parkour course and earned their Lepak N Learn sticker. For many, it was a race to fill up their cards and win a prize, but for us, it was heartwarming to witness their joy in trying something new.


The day was not just about sports but also about building confidence and introducing kids to activities like parkour, which help develop coordination, discipline, and a sense of adventure. We loved being part of this community event and can’t wait to bring more parkour fun to the next IBU Sports Day!

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